Saturday, December 25, 2010

Sitting back and relaxing.

Tomorrow I have big plans. I have every intention to sit on the couch and not move for as many hours as I can possibly get away with. It feels like we have done nothing but be on the run for the last week. I love spending time with family and enjoy their company but it does get tiring to be entertaining or driving. My children have more toys than they know what to do with which is wonderful. My hope is that they will find at least 8-10 hours of entertainment from these gifts and maybe more. I would like nothing better than to sit down in the morning and not move from the couch except to eat and go to the bathroom. I know there are people in the world who live each and every evening and weekend this way but I am not one of them. Normally I like to be busy and doing something but I am just ready to take one day and sit. I should have asked Santa for this but I forgot. I am now thinking that I may just get my wish because the children might not notice me sitting given the number of toys they now have to play with.

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