Thursday, February 08, 2007

Making It All Manageable

Financing a college education is an incredibly costly process. It is a must for most of us to take out student loans. In my situation the exact amount of debt I accumulated didn't ever register until that first student loan payment came due. Between the student loans, car payments, mortgage, and credit card bills our bills actually became unmanageable until I checked into Loan Consolidation. By consolidating several of our monthly debts into one payment things became much easier to pay off. It is a relief to know that I am no longer sinking under the weight of debt and see my balance go down every month. Consolidation has freed up extra cash I am able to put towards paying my loans off ahead of time. Loan consolidation was the wisest decision I could have made for our financial future.

1 comment:

Wesley Matthews said...

Loan consolidation is a great idea to make managing loans easier and possibly lowering interest. However, people need to be careful not to take on more debt after loans have been consolidated.

For example, it would be foolish to pay off Credit Cards with a Home Equity loan and then start charging and maxing out those credit cards again!